Monday, November 19, 2007
Back to blogging! Computer was down due to viruses. But i had change almost everything.
New computer desk, New PC ( CPU,Screen ), New keyboard,mouse and speakers. I am very satisfied. :D
Say a goodbye to my old, dusty, big fat PC with slow speed and small amount of storage space.
Anyway, this is an overdued entry that i didn't managed to blog during the period of time when my computer is down.
I had attended a wedding reception at Fullerton Hotel on 18 November 2007 ( last Sunday ).
I got to say i never regretted going, it was really extravagant.
Security was tight with all the enforcement officers ready to pounce on anyone suspicious.
The service was top-notch with the door boy holding ajar the entrance gate for us.
The pictures featuring slides of the baby,overseas and graduation photos triggered much warm memories of the past.
However i don't like the Chinese Emcee for the day.
I don't think he's good in Mandarin at the first place due to his pronunciation and all.
Dinner was all right, i love the place a lot.
Proceeded to Marina Bay and Esplanade to have a walk with my family after the Dinner.
And i simply love the couple bears that they gave us as a gift, it was really cute.
Short post today, and again i had forgotten to bring along my Camera.Pictures was taken using Mobile Phone.
And now i will just let the pictures do the rest of the talking. (:
Last but not least, Congratulations to Lynn and Daniel.

Cake Cutting Ceremony. (:
Me and Daniel. :D

Friday, November 16, 2007
I am slumberous today.Imagine,when you slept at about 3am and woke up at 7.25am in the morning.
Meiqi reminded me not to fall asleep or else she will kill me immediately because i may be late for the meetings.
After some preparation,headed down to Kovan Mrt station to have my lunch,and also meeting Meiqi,Felicia,Amelia.
Reached Bus Terminal Center,bought admission tickets,and have a free shuttle bus ride to Sentosa.
It was drizzling,so we was complaining and hope that the rain will stopped quickly.
And we can enjoy the rest of our time in Sentosa.
While in the bus,I found out that i had forgotten to bring my Digital Camera Lithium Battery.
And my Camera could not be switch on. How can i be so forgetful?
Thus,Handphone plays a role in cam-whoring. :D
A moment later,reached sentosa and we took tram to Siloso beach.Everyone is getting excited.
And we went to took pictures with the alphabets. ' S-I-L-O-S-O ' Hahaha,that was really cool.
Hot hunks and sexy babes was everywhere! Anyway,played with the sand,and we all didn't bring extra clothing.
Went into the sea and have fun,and ended up we're all half-soak.We drew on the sand using a twig.
Meiqi drew ' I DON'T NEED A BOYFRIEND' and our names, 'JIAHAO(: , MEIQI(:'
Nothing much to elaborate actually,we only stayed at Siloso beach for the whole day.
I rather go to outdoor beach and had the same amount of fun rather than to pay 3bucks.
I mean there was so many other things that we can enjoy playing without paying in sentosa.
Maybe we all didn't have the mood to enjoy ourselves due to the weather.
But it's worth the money,because the sea water is much more cleaner,litters free,and they provide a good service.
Proceeded to the washroom to wash my sports shoe ( it was really dirty with all the sea water and sand ).
And i swear i will never wear sports shoe and socks to beach again! It's very troublesome.
I don't know why will i choose to wear sports shoe,where the others are wearing sandals/slippers. -.-
Left sentosa,reached vivo city.Meiqi,Amelia,Felicia alighted at Plaza Singapura.
Because Felicia wanted to buy FBT shorts,so they decided to accompany her.
So i trained to Kovan and went home.I am exhausted now,i need to go and catch some sleep.
And outing with Charlotte at Tampiness Mall to complete our Holiday Assignments tomorrow! :D
I am so looking forward to it,it's been so long since i last saw her.
Anyway,i got to say MEIQI ROCKS BIG TIME!(:



Taken using My Phone.

Taken using Meiqi's Phone.

S-I-L-O-S-O :D


I don't need a boyfriend. - Meiqi.3 strong>

Meiqi And Jiahao. (:

AMELIA. :D My eyes can form one straight line already.The glaring sun,hurt my eyes.

Felicia,Meiqi,Me. (:
Meeting Charlotte at 1.30pm at Tampiness Mall Interchange,but i left my house at 1.30pm instead!
But since she leave so near to Tampiness Mall,i called her to leave later since i am going to be late anyway.
Reached TM,and i waited for her for about 20minutes! Nevermind.
We went to Subway to have chocolate chip cookies and Macdonals for fries.
And at the same time,completing our Holiday Assignments.
A moment later,there's this teenage girl who asked politely if we can spare a few minutes with her.
She started talking about,donations for ex-offenders organisation to provide trainings,etc.
And she said a minimum donations of about 5bucks.
Actually,i wanted to say that we're just a students and both of us just donate 2bucks.
At that spllit moment,Charlotte took out a 5 dollar note!
I mean,it would be so embarrassing to tell her that we are donating $2.
No choice,Charlotte donated $4,and i only donated $1! I felt like we have been cheated,seriously.
Because,when filling up the form there's other people who actually donated $1-$2.
After the girl had left,Charlotte told me that she was heartpain for donating so much.
I think i will be ignoring the girl if Charlotte wasn't around, how evil am i? Hahaha!
Walked around in Tampiness Mall,nothing much actually.
Singapore's shopping mall is NOTHING SPECIAL compared to overseas,madness shopping spree(:
Bought dinner,donuts,and home!
Sorry Charlotte for being unable to helped you in your chinese book review.
It's impossible to read the storybook and complete it within an hour or so.
And more outings soon! Mathematics and Chinese Holiday Assignments are done!
Left with English and Science,all the way!
Last but not least.
JMO : Yes,it's Halloween! (:
Rebecca : Will relink you soon.
Maychin : Yes,i love the short story of Friendship too.It's very meaningful. (:
Weiting : Hahaha,better complete your homework alright. Don't be lazy.Knowing which classes are you going to be next year is not really important.Subject combination is more important,right? Because we are streamed according to subjects,and yes.Take care too.
Rebecca : Thanks for tagging,and hello! (:
JMO : Holidays are somehow boring,but i am enjoying my life now.Your holidays already arrive,so do enjoy yourself since it's after 'O' level.Have fun!
Jasline : Happy holidays to you too. (:
Felicia : Hello Felicia,happy holidays.Take care.
Meiqi : Hahaha,yes.I am waiting for your tag! See ya.
Joey : You have been relinked! :D
Simin : Yeah,that's the right attitude.Don't be affected/influence by those bad students,you must concentrate.
Shariel : Really need to Thank you for helping me in Maths.You have been a great help,seriously. (:
Jingzhi : It's been so long since you last tagged my blog. How's life? :D
Weiting : How am i suppose to relink you when you never provide me with your new blog url?
Yujie : Happy holidays. Take care. (:
Maychin : Congratulations for being able to passed through the seven days camp! I am so proud of you. Hahaha. Why isn't Star-Awards in no ways related to you? And anyway,please stop day-dreaming. I am not going to nominate you no matter how famous you are. Thanks. (:
Charlotte : When did i miss your Pictures? You idiot! :D
Shuying : Holidays was fun,but sometimes it is boring. Hope you will have a enjoyable hoidays. Take care. (:
illi : Why holidays are such a drag? Hahaha,and do enjoy what you have now. Don't be too excited to welcome the arrival of 2008,it's still early. :D
Rachel : Don't miss me,we will still see each other during December's camp! Yes,been sometime since we last chatted. I am fine. How are you? (:
Amelia : It definitely looks funny lah! I will never want to wear Sports Shoe to beach again.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I am back to blogging again!Hahaha.While,holidays is just boring.
But i love holidays because i can enjoy myself during this period of time,and away from school and homeworks.
I haven't been completing my holiday assignments,and my study table is packed with piles of worksheets and files.
My laziness is back,but i will try to arrange it neatly some other time.
When school reopens,there's always things that keep me occupied.
Nowadays,my life is in the same routine,computer-television-eat-sleep lifestyle.
And one day just past in a blink of an eye,very soon we're going to welcome the arrival of 2008.
I am just feeling so dead now,as if i am rotting at home.
Next year will be a busy year ahead,because of sec 1 orientation.
And because we are secondary 3 next year,NEW subjects,NEW teachers,NEW environment.
Physics,Poa and E maths,i am sure to suffer. Maths,i know i need more practice! -.-
Last but not least,Next year Pe lessons we will be having Beep test every week,which is a total madness!
Because we will all be sweating like shit and totally exhausted.
Sometimes,we couldn't even have our recess time,because we're all released late.
I thought Pe lesson should always be fun and enjoyable,but now..Run,Run,& Run.
Monday i had to make my way back to school to collect my consent form for december's camp.
I am so not looking forward to it,i don't know why.
Maybe,it's just that we will be having workshops everytime which i will fall asleep.
And also everyone are require to plan activites for the Sec 1s next year.
The camp falls on the 17-19december ( monday-wednesday ),the day after Star Awards.
But nevermind,i am going to pack my things on Saturday,it's too early to talk about it.(:
So after collecting my forms today,i have my dental appoinment.
While,actually it's on tuesday but since i am returning back to school.
I called Doctor Choo and change the appointment to Monday.
It's troublesome to return to school twice,where everything can be done within one day.
Dental appointment was scary,the atmosphere,the awful smell of the medicine.
The cold air surrounding you,those bright lights and tools.I hate dental appointment,but i have no choice.
The dentist suffered because there's like,five holes on my teeths.Hahaha.
From around 12.30pm,i have my treatment all the way to around,3pm.
I need to take good care of my teeths,because alot of them are getting swallon.
I will try to blog more often,because nothing interesting had happened to me recently.
And people.Do leave me a tag as well. :D